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Location: Woodstock, MD, United States

These last few years, I have become convinced that I am doing what God has gifted me to do, that I am where He wants me. It has become increasingly clear that many experiences, (not all of which were pleasant or understandable at the time), have converged to put me on this path. I love those that I sing to, the long-term care residents for whom therapeutic music is so beneficial, and I continue to learn much from these wonderful, accomplished, patient, and kind people. I love sharing my passion for the power of music with patients, families, facilities, and anyone who wants to learn about the difference that music can make in life. I want to live a life of acceptance and forgiveness, and I hope those I love can love me unconditionally as I love them. I am thankful for all that I am learning, and for those who are teaching me more about myself and about life. I am thankful to God for each of my children, for my loving and giving husband, and for my Creator's unconditional acceptance, His undeserved grace. And here on this blog, I can share another of my life passions: words. Deep enough to jump into and never touch bottom...just like God’s love.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Why Has It Been So Hard To Write Lately?

Why has it been so hard to write lately? That is a timeless literary question, asked by countless authors and writers over innumerable centuries. Yet its definitive answer escapes me. In my head, I have written many posts for this blog - it's just that none of them have landed on paper. In my heart, I have written many poems and conjured many stories, and yet, they fail to be expressed in ink, but only in the ephemeral thoughts of a frustrated, aspiring writer.

I have been busy - how often do we all say that? How busy are we? Well, sometimes we are REALLY busy, and the absolute literal meaning of the phrase applies. However, sometimes, we have simply chosen to spend our time otherwise, even though it was not required that we do so. I am guilty of this very thing, if guilt is something that should be assigned to me for choosing to do things other than write. Yet to deny writing is to deny myself - trite as that may sound. I am denying something that is essential to my survival. Oh, alright, survival is too melodramatic. How about that writing is essential to the full expression of ME? To the full experience of life for ME? That writing is a release, and a necessary release at that? And now, I fear, I am lost in a complex labyrinth of philosophical and introspective meanderings. But so be it.

Isn't it the "stuff of life" that answers are not easy to come by, and what we think we NEED to do, HAVE to do, we DON'T do?

You tell me. But I have done it. Alas, I have written SOMETHING. And now I must do my very necessary etymological research to discover the meaning of "alas."


Blogger Mike's Drumbeats said...

Hi Jeannie! Many times I have to start with "something" before I get to "something good", and then, and only if I'm lucky, "something wonderful"...

6:49 AM  
Blogger gP said...

alas means finnaly? :D

Thanx a million for dropping by.

Writing will elude you, ideas and all, if you stop even for a few days. Thats the pain of working and expecting to write. But life goes on, so try short items once in a while and youlll be up and running in no time.

9:44 PM  

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